1. Liverpool 管理學院開設的全部課程、MA TESOL及MA Applied Linguistics 的配語言要求和其他課程的入學要求是不同的,具體標準:
2. 不提前支付申請費的申請,學校不作處理;但是交了申請費,又不滿足語言入學要求而被拒的學生,申請費不能退,只有在拒簽的情況下才可以退,且要扣除60鎊的行政服務費。建議學生在申請前一定要確定滿足入學要求再支付申請費。
3. 特殊課程的語言入學標準:
Management School
Direct Entry 6.5 with nothing less than 6.0
06 week PSE 6.0 with nothing less than 5.5
10 week PSE 6.0 with nothing less than 5.0
19 week PSE * 5.0 with nothing less than 4.5
29 week PSE * 4.5 with nothing less than 4.0
Direct Entry 7.0 with nothing less than 6.5
06 week PSE 6.5 with nothing less than 6.0
10 week PSE 6.5 with nothing less than 5.5
19 week PSE * 6.0 with nothing less than 5.5
MA Applied Linguistics
Direct Entry 7.0 with nothing less than 6.5
06 week PSE 6.5 with nothing less than 6.0
10 week PSE 6.5 with nothing less than 5.5
19 week PSE * 6.0 with nothing less than 5.5
相關留學咨詢,請趕快撥打400-666-1553(中國大陸), 0044(0)203 206 1211(英國本地)!