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當前位置: 首頁 -> 英國留學申請 -> 英國留學PS專區 -> 獲倫敦大學學院(UCL)錄取的精彩計算機科學PS(個人陳述)


出處: katrina , 已經有 人瀏覽過此頁面, 發表時間: 2010-11-9
Computer Science Personal Statement
My interest in computer began about 5 years ago when my father bought a desktop computer for our family. At first I just used my pc for playing games, watching videos and listening to music. Since then I have gained a lot of knowledge about computers simply by using them. For example, when I wanted to play a game with high system requirements and my pc could not run that game, I had to learn things such as which component of my pc was not enough for that game and needed to be upgraded. From this kind of experience, I learned a lot about pc components such as memory, graphics and cpu. I gained good marks in my year 10 examinations in my home country,............., especially in Physics (93%) and Maths (98%). This exam is equivalent to GCSE in the UK. From these subjects, I have learned a lot about logical and numerical problems and how to solve them. I really enjoy them. I think these concepts and knowledge will help me in learning computer science.I am taking Maths, Physics, ICT and Biology at AS level, and I am really enjoying and doing well in these subjects. From Maths and Physics, I have learned about things like probabalities, statistics, electricity and loads of theories. By learning Biology, I have gained knowledge about nature, relationships between living things and how everything around us works. In ICT, I have done creating web pages, databases and spreadsheets as my coursework in AS level and I gained good marks in them. I also have to learn basic knowledge of networking, software and hardware as part of the subject. In my second year of A level, I had to do the project for one external organization. I had to do every step in developing a new system by myself such as investigation and analysis, designing,etc. I believe it will help me to gain experience of what is like to develop a system in real world. As I had to discuss with the end user and design what they were looking for, I had the experience of dealing with the clients. When I was in ............., I worked as a personal tutor for 4 high school students. I had to help them while they were studying, explaining whatever they do not understand and make study schedules for them. I also work as a volunteer helper at computer classes for ............ in Newcastle. This class is for people who do not have knowledge about how to use computers. We help them to understand basic knowledge of computing, such as using the internet and other essential applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel etc. As I have worked in such places, I have begun to improve my confidence, organisation skills, ability to take responsibility and communication skills. I felt that I should have some knowledge about one of the programming languages before I go to the university so I am now learning about php language on my own by looking through some tutorials which I found on the internet. Apart from working with computers, I have some other hobbies such as watching and playing football and listening to music. I believe having the opportunity to do the things I always wanted would be the most amazing thing happened to me. If I gained real knowledge and understanding of computer science at the university, I would be able to use my knowledge and ability in my future career and to help other people.
獲劍橋大學錄取的計算機科學PS(Personal 英國留學:計算機科學Personal Statem
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