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出處: katrina , 已經有 人瀏覽過此頁面, 發表時間: 2010-11-13
Psychology and Sociology Personal Statement
There is no love anymore. No acknowledgement of the person next to you on the train. No smiles. No discussions. Nothing. Shockingly in fact, it’s plain to realise that humans are scared of each other, but why? Despite this, I persist in conjuring one ultimate conclusion: we are all equal.
There underlies an ongoing inequality between gender, class and ethnic minorities. This aspect is one among many that induces me with an ongoing thrill to further engage with sociology at a challenging new level. Studying this has challenged my envisagement of the world due to a range of key influential doctrines. For instance, Marx’s idea of the subordinate class being ripped of moralities in order to be ‘tailored’, has overpowered my mind into a much greater depth - inspiring me to further my knowledge in reading ‘Capitalism and The Social Theory’ by Anthony Giddens.
Learning the idea of a fragmental gendered social structure drew me closer to reading feminist books such as, ‘For the Record’ by Dale Spender. My passion to liberate minds derives from some of the most influential theorists of today, one of them being Noam Chomsky, which has been supported further in my independent study of social stratification.
I consider my cup half full not half empty, my inquisitiveness regarding all aspects of life has expanded my eagerness to constantly thrive for new psychological intellects, a field which I am hugely passionate about. For instance; feral children, which made me pick up ‘Savage Girls and Wild Boys’ by Micheal Newton. Experiencing a life of interaction with parents whom suffer from various psychopathological disorders, such as maniac depression, has not only strengthened me as an individual, but also is the bases of my inspiration to step deeper in the field of psychology and consequently benefit, reach out and give a better understanding to those who carry misconceptions about these absurd, yet sensitive and emotional behaviours: an incentive for reading ‘The Tortured Mind: The Many Faces of Maniac Depression’ written by Daniel E. Harmon.
The study of Sigmund Freud in particular, has made me independently analyse certain institutions such as the media, and how they cleverly use certain traits to reach out to the unconscious mind. Both subjects successfully intertwine with each other, producing me with a completely new perception of the world. I no longer look at subgroups as being just a divided sector anymore, but instead, I try to seek the answer as to why they chose to be within this particular subculture, and what exactly sparked the arousal of their social conformance.
The Army Cadets has enabled me with a strong headed attitude needed to succeed in the education system. Enrolling into a psychology course deepened my understanding of the subject I incredibly love! I also play a significant role in contributing to the school and wider community, which is acknowledged by several certificates such as ‘teaching their peers how to prevent domestic violence’ in a drama performance, which has increased my knowledge, confidence and team building skills.
I also contribute in school assemblies and the Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, where I work in the youth council for my borough, student leadership team at school, ‘buddying’ a year 7 who has attributes to those of a selective mute, helping the year 7’s read in the library and working as a youth mark assessor, all reflecting my dedicated, punctual and hardworking personality.
I intend to break my way through this so-called ‘self imposed barrier’, consist of the minority and prove the following: working class students can excel too. Perseverance, I strongly believe is the crucial key in opening the door of success and helping the lives of many. It is these qualities that enable me to be an undergraduate that will not fail to disappoint, a fact patiently waiting for your recognition.
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