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出處: katrina , 已經有 人瀏覽過此頁面, 發表時間: 2010-11-13
Theology Personal Statement 神學個人陳述(PS)
Religion is based purely upon peoples' willingness to have faith in something which so many others question. Questions such as ‘Does God exist?’, ‘Why would God exist?’, ‘Is there one God or many?’ fascinate me, and I am perplexed by their answers; if answers even exist. I am also mesmerised as to why people place so much faith in someone of whom there is no solid empirical evidence. The Bible, apparent miracles, transcripts, doctrines, manuscripts such as the 'Dead Sea Scrolls', artefacts and many other religious elements captivate me.
Attending church from a young age originally sparked my interest and this was enhanced by Philosophy and Ethics lessons, turning interest into passion. Although studying a purely Philosophical and Ethical course at AS level, discussions with my teachers regarding other faiths and religions, such as Buddhism, has led to a broader curiosity in the subject. As a member of Christian Union, I deepened my enthusiasm for the subject and have increased my understanding and knowledge of both the Bible and Christian events, in particular, Christian Theology and its history.
Religion is something that really inspires and drives me, and it is something that I take enormous pleasure in studying. My desire to discover as much as possible about religion has led me to read literature such as 'Why I am Not a Christian' by Bertrand Russell, which has further motivated me and made me more determined to take my study of religion further. His questioning of God's existence, life after death and even what a Christian is, has influenced me to make the same queries. Volunteering at a Christian book and coffee shop has exposed me to various Christian literature such as 'I'd Like to Believe But' and '50 Key Concepts in Theology'.
This year I began an Open University course, which explored the Social Sciences and primarily an understanding of social change. In this, I investigated the effects of gender, race and religion on roles in society together with numerous other topics. This course has given me my first real taste of time management, individual study and self-learning. I relished a new and different challenge and feel that it has taught me new skills that will benefit me in my study.
I have always been determined to achieve and am committed to both my academic studies and activities that I take part in. Aiding younger, less able pupils with literacy and being a member of Peer Support, has improved my verbal communication skills significantly. These skills have been heightened by taking part in Debating Society. This, as well as my A level subjects has developed my ability to approach ideas and opinions with an open mind, whilst still being able to competently argue for something I believe in. They have also expanded my analytical reasoning, which I feel is important when studying something as subjective as Religion. This year I had the opportunity to represent my school, along with four other students, at the National Young Consumers Competition, where we reached the semi-finals, after winning several heats, including our regional final. This boosted my confidence greatly, as well as teaching me to express myself articulately. I was privileged to be awarded with the position of Head girl at the end of Year 12. In this role, I have taken on a great deal of responsibility, having to organise not just myself, but others as well. I have learnt both tact and diplomacy, which I believe are highly valuable skills when approaching topics as contentious as world faiths and their conflicts.
As an individual constantly seeking out intellectual challenges, I believe that Religious Studies and Theology would give me a genuine opportunity to stretch and test myself. I believe it would also fulfil my desire to study a subject which plays a tremendous role in society and which influences so much of what people do and how they live.
英國留學測量專業個人陳述(PS)模板1 獲愛丁堡大學等五所英國名校錄取的考古學人類學PS(
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