Mathematics Personal Statement 數學專業個人陳述(PS)
Maths has always best my first and foremost favourite subject since I was introduced to the most basic concepts of maths from an early age by my father. Such an early start has allowed me to develop my own interest in the subject in my own time. Not only do I enjoy the challenge of problem solving, but I also take great satisfaction upon arriving at the correct answer. Although the majority of maths is done in school, I also spend a certain proportion of my own leisure time to examine mathematical problems from "", as well as the booklet "Advanced Problems in Mathematics" by Dr S.T.C. Siklos
Over the last couple of years, I have seen the importance and relevance that mathematical techniques have in everyday life, and I believe that further enhancement of my knowledge in this subject would allow me to be more successful in my future career. I believe that I am well equipped to follow this programme, as I am currently studying A-Level Mathematics and AS- Level Further Mathematics, taking modules in Pure Maths, Statistics, and Mechanics. I consider the course to be suitable as the extra year gives me the opportunity to study the subject with a greater level of specialisation, which is ideal if I wish to pursue a career as a professional Mathematician. I consider that the versatility of a mathematics degree will allow me to widen the scope of future career paths instead of restricting me to a particular to one. The Master of Mathematics choice also allows me to tailor the programme to suit my personal area of interest, which is Pure Mathematics
By attending a couple of the maths taster courses held on offer by the University of London Summer Schools programme, confirmed that I would like to pursue a career in the field of Mathematics; perhaps as a professional mathematician or as an accountant, as this is a field that I am particularly considering
The two taster courses I attended, ("Exploring Mathematics", a two day event held at Royal Holloway and "Women in Mathematics"held at UCL) not only allowed me to gain a greater sense of independency but also shows my commitment to the subject
Outside of the entire maths field, I have shown commitment by attending Chinese- Cantonese lessons on a weekly basis at a Chinese School in central London from the age of 4 and only recently stopped attending. In a previous Summer job at 'The Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture Centre' not only did I gain a greater understanding and insight into the herbal medicinal trade, but I also learnt the basics of conversational Mainland Chinese. Outside of the family, I have put by Cantonese lingual skills to practise on holidays to Hong Kong as well as at 'New World Noodle House'
The varied nature of my previous paid employment has given me a wider view of the different vocations as well as sustained my self- sufficiency. This summer, spent at a telemarketing company, 'Business Advantage', as well as being an active part of the 'Sixth Form Council'and 'Think Force', has made me more confident in expressing my opinions, and enhanced my listening skills
During my time in the Sixth Form I have given some service back to the school. I was previously Prefect in Year 11 and was also a 'Big Sister' in the school's 'Big brother, Big Sister' scheme which enables the interaction between the upper and lower schools, as well as help the lower years settle into the school. I find this work rewarding, especially as it is entirely selfless.