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出處: katrina , 已經有 人瀏覽過此頁面, 發表時間: 2010-11-13
Drama Personal Statement 戲劇專業個人陳述(PS)
Drama has been a subject that has greatly influenced me both personally and academically. I have found that through drama, I have been able to free my mind and my heart. It has helped me to grow as a person and, through acting and character work, I have been able to understand emotions and states of mind more clearly. Drama gives me an immense feeling of release and I love the sense of being part of something so full of energy and enthusiasm. I feel that the dramatic talents that I have had have been a gift. I would love to get the chance to learn more about the subject and gain more personal experience and skills
During my time at Plumstead Manor School and Negus Sixth Form, I have taken part in many different performances, both dramatically and musically based. My favourite of these was a performance of Macbeth, which we performed at Greenwich Theatre as part of the "Shakespeare Schools" competition. We chose to abridge it as a musical and I played Lady Macbeth. It was my first major role in a performance and it was the turning point in my life. It was the point at which I decided that I wanted to pursue a career as an actress. I have never felt as alive as I did during both the preparation for and the actual performance of the play. There was a real sense of excitement and teamwork throughout the play and I felt completely at ease with my part
Another performance that I particularly remember was my GCSE exam piece, "The Ark." This was a play about a family grieving after the death of the man of the house. I played the widow, and the script explored the different ways in which people deal with grief and mourning. It was a very emotional play and I found it a very interesting play to take part in. I enjoyed researching my character, and spending a lot of time on characterisation and the feelings involved. It was a very eye-opening experience, because it gave me a chance to play a different type of part, as an older woman and as an emotional character, as opposed to an angry one such as Lady Macbeth
I love trying new things and "The Ark" gave me a chance to do that
In my spare time, I enjoy singing. I am in a church choir, which involves both weekly Sunday services and Thursday rehearsals. It is a wonderful experience as it constantly challenges me musically, as we learn many different pieces of music in a variety of different languages. I think this is a wonderful experience, as I am able to do something that I love whilst learning new things and growing musically. Singing is something, like drama, that I feel able to connect with. I love the skill that it takes, the precision it involves and the beauty it produces. I also have singing lessons; I have recently taken my Grade 7 singing exam, for which I received distinction. This is also something that I wish to continue with in the future, as it is something that I find really interesting and enjoyable
I also have a great interest in languages, particularly German. I chose to study this at A-Level and hope at some stage to live in Germany. I have already had experience of this, as every summer for four years, I worked at a riding stable, both working with the horses, and taking young children on hacks in the forest. I also taught the owner's daughter English. This was an amazing learning experience, as I was given the chance to discover what it is like to teach others. It was an exciting opportunity to improve on both my interpersonal skills and my language skills. I found that I learnt a lot about myself, and how I interact with others. I also found it a lot easier to analyse and co-operate with others' methods of learning, which is always useful when working in groups
In my free time, I also spend a lot of time with young children. I have triplet brothers who are three years old and I help with them, as well as a number of other families for whom I regularly baby-sit. I enjoy doing this and I also feel that it has greatly helped my personal skills and my knowledge and understanding of how children learn and develop
Before going to university, I am taking a GAP year in which I hope to be working in Brazil teaching English or a variety of subjects to young children. I feel that this will increase my preparation for university, giving me a chance to experience things that only this GAP year could offer, which may at the end of it, have a positive impact on the way I approach life and education. After my drama degree, I hope to be accepted at a music college to do a post-graduate classical singing degree. I would like to then try and combine both degrees by hopefully getting into Opera and/or theatre work
I know that this is career is right for me. However I get involved in the industry it will be been the realisation of a passion which has been with me for the majority of my years, and has been my motivation towards success in education.
英國留學營養學個人陳述(PS)模板1 獲劍橋大學等五所名校錄取的英語專業PS(個人陳述)
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