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出處: katrina , 已經有 人瀏覽過此頁面, 發表時間: 2010-11-10
Graphic Design Personal Statement平面設計專業個人陳述(PS)
Where would the world be without graphical designers? Almost many sources in life are influenced by grapichal and artistic material.
I have chose a Graphic Design course, as I am very interested in graphics and have a good level of skill for the subject. This I feel can help me succeed in the course
My interest in graphics began when I came familiar with computers
Having delt with computers in many situations, I can develop documents of a high standard, all from creating databases to creating 3 dimensional objects on CAD software. Being a very good drawer and capable of developing ideas quickly, I can complete tasks of a good standard efficiently. This is the main reason why I enjoy the subject so much
A year or so ago I had attended work experience at Anton Developments in *******. This buisness specialises in developing houses for customers who approach them. Being there I could preview ideas that are being developed to the needs of the customer. Documents of great standard were being created, wether they were on paper or on computer
For the past year and a half I've worked for the local Co-operative Store. Having expericenced many situations with customers, I have been able to improve my interpersonal skills so that I can deal with customers and not have any problems. Although this job is not related to the course I am applying for, I have still been able to develop my communication skills and enjoy the job
Having a lot of interest in golf, my long-term career goal is to become a Graphical Developer in the golfing industry
Appart from having great interest in golf, I have experienced a lot of representative matches in cricket. From the age of U'11s to today I have represented my club (********), my county (West Glamorgan), my region (South Wales), and have also gained a place for the Welsh School of Excellence from 1998 to 2001. Much of my interest in cricket has been inspired to me by my grandfather, who has experienced a lot of high representative matches in his time
To follow a chosen ambishon, or succeed in a particular career, you must have the qualities and expericence in many sources. This is why I feel you should choose me!
?圃鯓由暾埓T士(英國留學) 英國留學法律PS(個人陳述personal sta
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