「英國研究生留學」PSW畢業生工作簽證確定回歸丨2020年你可以放心去英國了||關鍵詞:PSW畢業生工作簽證確定回歸,簡介:英國政府官網發布重磅消息,恢復PSW(Post Study Work )畢業生工作簽證,該政策對...在線顧問
10月08日晚,一則在網站上的政府官方回應在朋友圈炸開了留英申請的“第一鍋”, 在英國UK Government and Parliament Petitions(英國政府和議會請愿網站)上,截止發文時該請愿書已有超過兩萬五千人簽名請愿:希望政府盡早公布PSW回歸時間點。眾所周知,如果請愿得到超過10,000數量的申請,政府會對民眾提出的訴求需要做出官方相應的回應。
英國Home Office10月8日官方正式回應如下:
根據英國政府Home Office的官方回復可以看出:
We’ve had the following details about the Graduate route confirmed by the Home Office:
Any international student who will complete their course in or after the summer of 2021 will be eligible to apply for the new two year Graduate route.
Unfortunately the Graduate route will not be open to those who have completed their studies or are due to complete them in the summer of 2020
We are still waiting on further details about implementation, but the Home Office has announced key features of the route:
It will be open to international students who have successfully completed a course of study at undergraduate (RQF 6) level or above at a Higher Education Provider with a track record of compliance, and who have a valid and extant student visa at the time of application;
The application process will be simple. There will be an application fee and applicants will pay the Immigration Health Surcharge;
Applicants will be subject to identity, criminality and security checks.
The leave period granted will be two years and will be non-extendable. Settlement rights will not be accrued;
Individuals will be able to work, or look for work in any sector, at any level;
Individuals will be able to switch into the skilled work route if they meet the requirements.
Again, as soon as we hear more we’ll update you.
The new route will be launched in the summer of 2021. Any student who successfully completes their degree-level course at a qualifying institution in the summer of 2021 or thereafter will be eligible to apply. This includes students who are already studying. Announcing the route now enables prospective students to decide where to study, knowing they have the option of staying in the UK to work after completing their studies.
All students accepted for the Graduate route will receive two years non-extendable leave. During that time, they will be able to work, or look for work, at any skill level. Graduates will also be able to switch into skilled work once they have found a suitable job.
The earlier Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) route was closed in 2012 because evidence suggested that the route was open to abuse, and many on the route were unemployed or in low-skilled work. The Graduate route will have safeguards to ensure that we have control over who can access it, in order to prevent such abuse in the future. Students will only be eligible for the route if they can demonstrate that they have successfully passed their course at degree level or above, studied at a trusted institution, and complied with the terms of their student visa.
終于,這回官方正式詳細的回復了關于PSW簽證的時間和具體內容,一起歡呼吧,準備赴英留學的小伙伴們!這里ERIC老師要跟大家多說一句,在英國UK Government and Parliament Petitions(英國政府和議會請愿網站)上,如果針對一個問題請愿人數達到100,000人,這項請愿書將會在英國國會議會中進行討論,每項請愿書的有效期都是6個月,2020年3月17日之前都可簽名請愿哦!
最后,根據09月11日英國新關于PSW(Post-Study Work Visa)政策的相關新聞報道后,截至目前雖然英國移民局還未制定出具體的移民和簽證政策法規細節,但是幾大官方網站都公布了一些細節信息,由于英國內政部指定具體的新移民法規是個非常耗時且異常仔細的過程,小編ERIC特匯總以下官方路徑公布的信息供準備去英國留學的小伙伴參考。
英國UKCISA(UK Council for International Student Affairs 英國國際學生事務委員會) 于9月16日官方近新發布了HOME OFFICE針對PSW的部分相關信息如下: