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當前位置 :英國留學->留學新聞->英國留學簽證申請面簽如何搞定?


出處: 優越留學     作者:tim     發表時間: 2019-05-13

英國留學簽證申請面簽如何搞定?想要辦理英國留學簽證,一定都是已經拿到英國大學offer的同學,那么你知道英國 簽證所需了解的相關事宜嗎?今天優越小編就為大家詳細介紹一下英國簽證申請面簽的注意事項。


如果能提前知道英國 簽證面試官大概會問什么就好辦啦!下列這些英國簽證申請問題最有可能被問到:


1.Why do you want to go to the UK?/What is your purpose to the UK?/ Are you going to study in UK?

2.Which university do you plan to attend?

3.When are you going to enter UK?

4.How long will you study in UK? (How long do you plan to stay in UK?)

5.What is your name? date of birth?


1.What’s your degree now? And what is your major? (What/where are you studying NOW?)

2.When will you finish your undergraduate program?

3.What is your GPA?

4.Are you a top student in your school? What’s your ranking?

5.What is your TOEFL or IELTS score?


1.What will you study in the UK?/Which degree will you pursue in the UK?

2.In what aspect of your major will you study? What is the difference between your major now and the major in UK?

3.Why do you choose this major?(Why did you choose***as your major?)

4.Why do you change your major? (轉專業學生)

5.Do you know which university in UK is the best in your major? What else?

6.Do you have any research experience?

7.How many universities have you applied? How many of them accepted you?Why you choose this university?

8.Start date and finish date of this program and contents of this program?

9.How do you know about this university?(How much do you know about the university? )

10.Will you continue your education in the UK after you finish this program? Why or why not? (What is your ultimate academic goal?/ what's your plan after graduation?)

11.Do you have any friends in the UK?

12.Do you attend pre-sessional course in this university? How many hours in a week? Requirements to continue master programs after finishing presessional course?

13.Do you think the impact of studying abroad on you will affect you?

14.Where will you live in UK?


1. what is the job of your parents, annual salary?Is there any connection between your major and your parents` job?

2. Do you plan to continue the study in UK? What is your career object?Do you want to work in UK?




相關留學咨詢,請趕快撥打400-666-1553(中國大陸), 0044(0)203 949 6719(英國本地)!

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倫敦總部地址: The Space Liverpool Street,14 New Street, London EC2M 4HE || 南京辦公室地址: 中國江蘇省南京市中山東路18號國際貿易中心11樓C1. 210005
