??巳卮髮W University of Exeter(TIMES英國排名:7th)
MSc Accounting and Tax 會計與稅務
薩里大學 University of Surrey(TIMES英國排名:8th)
Entrepreneurship MSc
International Marketing Management MSc
International Retail Marketing MSc
Marketing Management MSc
Operations and Logistics Management MSc
International Financial Management MSc
Human Resource Management MSc、
Health Care Management MSc
拉夫堡大學 Loughborough University(TIMES英國排名:13th)
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 倫敦校區
MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation倫敦校區
MSc Managing Innovation in Creative Organisations 倫敦校區
MSc Management
MSc Business Analysis and Management
MSc International Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Finance and Management
MSc Information Management and Business Technology
東英吉利亞大學 University of East Anglia(TIMES英國排名:18th)
MSc Business Management
MSc Enterprise and Business Creation
MSc Finance and Management
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Accounting and Financial Management
MSc in Investment and Financial Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Marketing and Management
謝菲爾德大學 University of Sheffield(TIMES英國排名:21th)
MSc Business Finance and Economics
肯特大學 University of Kent(TIMES英國排名:23th)
Business Analytics – MSc
Finance – MSc
Finance and Management – MSc
Human Resource Management – MSc
International Accounting and Finance – MSc
International Banking and Finance – MSc
Logistics and Supply Chain Management – MSc
Management (General) – MSc
Management (International Business) – MSc
Marketing – MSc
紐卡斯爾大學 Newcastle University(TIMES英國排名:23th)
Transport Planning and Business Management MSc
Rail and Logistics MSc
Finance MSc
萊斯特大學 University of Leicester(TIMES英國排名:28th)
Accounting and Finance MSc
Finance MSc
Finance, Markets and Organisations MSc
Human Resource Management and Training MSc
Management MSc
Management, Finance and Accounting MSc
Marketing MSc
曼徹斯特大學 University of Manchester(TIMES英國排名:28th)
以下專業為曼大School of Environment, Education and Development的專業
Development Finance MSc
Human Resource Development (International Development) MSc
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英國區倫敦總部咨詢熱線:+44 (0) 203 2061211