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出處: katrina , 已經有 人瀏覽過此頁面, 發表時間: 2010-11-10
Engineering Personal Statement工程學個人陳述(PS)
Hold, run, let go and watch. The wooden glider flies a few meters and then lands a perfect landing. As I watch, a smile makes its way to my eyes, the sort of smile a child has when he gets his first train set. That was my first experience of what engineering can teach me and is engraved in my mind ever since.
Now I see mountains and I want to be able to cut a road through them. I lose my radio and I think of ways to get all its components so I can make one myself. My teacher teaches us the dual nature of waves and particles and I wonder if one can really beam objects as they did in Star Trek and if those trying to do this will ever be successful. I think engineering will teach me all this and so much more.
My interest in physics and its application all around was what made me realize that this is what I wanted to do; use logic to engineer a better life. Since I was a child my sister taught me tidbits of physics: the names of the nine planets, the colours of the rainbow and what I later discovered was Newton's third law of motion all by the age of 10! She told me of her desire to become a physicist as a child, following in my father's footsteps and I intrinsically developed a bias towards the subject. When I was properly introduced to it in O levels, my fascination with the subject increased, even more so when my teacher touched what the theory of relativity could explain and make possible.
As an engineer I believe I will learn and do so much more, not only learn to create pragmatically novel machines but also learn how science makes the world go round; really challenge myself.
There is this energy that overcomes me when I am challenged, to be the best there is! That is one of my reasons for taking accelerated further mathematics at A levels. After taking additional mathematics in my O levels I took up business studies and history at A levels in order to broaden my perspective.
On the subject of perspective, my outlook on life has also somewhat changed since I partook in the camping trips arranged by the Adventure and Sports club at school. These have given me a chance to discover more about myself and test myself physically and mentally. Moreover playing badminton in school has made me realize that exertion is only a question of will power. As a vigilant member of the Social Events Organising Committee I have helped organize school events such as farewells, and bonfires at school. Responsibility and patience have been one of the key elements at this committee along with the ability to work well in a team. These traits were further instilled in me when I was elected class representative in the Student Council. Given my being responsible and quick with new ideas I was also made the Yearbook editor. As editor my management skills have fairly developed along with my literary interests. I am an avid reader and a fan of most period movies. My ability to communicate well with my peers and my good grades have earned me the post of Teacher's Assistant, a job that certainly requires patience but has also given me an insight into how my peers learn.I am somewhat a music freak since it is my greatest muse. Many rock bands and indie artists voice real and inspirational issues, personal and global. Inspiration breeds innovation and to me an engineer gives innovation a corporeal form and life. In my country the opportunity to do that at undergraduate level is rare but a well equipped university will surely fuel my interests in the wonders engineers can create. My zeal for challenges, my passion for learning how man can use nature to serve his purpose and my acumen in the sciences I believe truly makes engineering the best course for me.
獲帝國理工等六所名校錄取的工程學PS(個人陳述) 獲帝國理工等六所名校錄取的工程學PS(個人陳述)
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