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超精彩英國留學工程類PS(personal statement)范文

出處: katrina , 已經有 人瀏覽過此頁面, 發表時間: 2010-11-26
Engineering Personal Statement
I have always had an interest in the way things work, and since I was young, science has been one of my favourite subjects. My interest in sciences, particularly physics, has developed throughout my time at school, and I enjoy the challenge of using scientific and mathematical ideas when solving everyday problems. Last year I took part in the Engineering Education Scheme, working alongside three other students, with the local water company, to work on a project involving the removal of sludge from a drinking water clarification tank. This helped me to develop time management, problem-solving and teamwork skills, as we encountered several problems along the way (mostly involving the sludge), as well as having to cope with each other for long hours in order to meet deadlines. I found this both challenging and rewarding, and achieved a Gold Crest Award as well as being able to take part in the regional final of the Young Engineers for Britain competition. The scheme gave me a useful insight into the types of problems that engineers have to solve, and convinced me that engineering is the career path I want to follow. I aim to secure sponsorship for my course with a local company, as this will provide me with experience of industrial work during the holidays, as well as helping me financially through my time at university
I believe that good links between engineers and businesses are essential for an efficient and profitable future for British industry
Studying Economics to AS-level, along with sciences and maths, has helped me to understand some of the scientific principles behind production and management techniques. Physics has taught me about how things behave, and how these properties can be used in solving both practical and theoretical situations. Studying biology has helped me to appreciate the role that engineers can play in helping to balance industry and natural environment. My favourite part of the course is the environment module, as I enjoy learning about how different species can adapt to their surroundings. Mathematics gives me the opportunity to apply familiar concepts to unfamiliar situations, and I enjoy the challenge of solving mathematical problems. I also find further maths enjoyable, as I find it more challenging than my normal maths lessons
Alongside my school work, I have been studying an Open University science short course entitled "Food and Health: A Chemical Story". I enjoy working on the course, as it helps to broaden my scientific reading, and covers interesting topics in more depth than my school studies. It also helps me with my independent study and time management skills. I am due to complete the course at the end of October
I like to be involved in other aspects of school life, for example I took part in the junior mock trial competition lower down the school
Last year I was assistant house captain, helping to encourage younger members of my house in competitions. I helped backstage in the sixth form show, which I intend to do again this year. I am a year eight "buddy", which involves helping an able younger student with extra schoolwork. I take drama lessons out of school, and recently passed Guildhall Grade 6 solo acting with honours. I have been involved in five musicals since starting at this school, and am currently rehearsing for my first principal role in the schools' production of "Les Miserables". I have also taken part in several productions with local youth theatre and amateur dramatics societies, ranging from William Shakespeare to Willy Russell. I play the violin in the school orchestra, and enjoy singing in the school choir. I also take part in music activities outside of school, and am involved in groups such as Burton Sinfonia and Staffordshire Youth Choir
Although at the moment I intend to complete a degree in manufacturing engineering, I do not feel that I am in the best position to make any final decisions about my career yet, and have chosen courses with the first year (and in some cases the second year) common to degree programmes in many disciplines of engineering. My experiences of engineering so far have been both challenging and rewarding, and I hope that my future career will be too.
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