美國大學電話面試常問的問題:面試中的主要問題大多有關研究興趣(research interest),研究背景(research background),教學經驗(teaching experience),所學課程的名稱(the names of your courses),個人興趣 (individual interests)等等。
另外需準備一些向教授的提問,例如該學校的氣候(climate),生活環境(living environment),學費(tuition)和獎學金的數量(the amount of scholarship)等等??傊疁蕚湟欢ㄒ浞?。
在面試過程中不要機械地背誦你所準備的材料,只放在手邊作為參考。說英語時盡量慢,你是中國學生,只要說清楚就行了,快了反而會弄巧成拙。當然如果你的英語極好就另當別論了。假如面試開始時你聽不懂或聽不清教授的問題,你可以問: Please speak loudly because my phoneline is not clear. 教授就會說得更大聲、更慢。準備一些歡迎和感謝的客套話,但盡量顯得不卑不亢。
1.What are your plan in 5 to 10 years?
2.What is your TOEFL score?
3.Do you apply any other school?
4.Is your research project very difficult?
5.If you are given an offer, can you come here this July?
6.What's you graduate research work?
7.Why pursue Ph.D.?
8.Please introduce yourself.
9.Where are you from?
10.What's your major?
11.Please tell me your working experience.
12.What will you plan to do in the future?
13.What's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?
14.If we give you this offer, will you accept it?
15.Why are you interested in *** University?
16.Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?
17.Say something about your work, etc.
18.Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?
19.Do you have some question on me or on my institute?
20.Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?
21.Did you use any English textbook in classes?
22.Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a big university like Harvard or Princeton?
23.Do you apply for other university or contact with other faculties in the university?
24.How about your ability to be a teaching assistant?