??萊斯特大學是國際學術界中的一個卓越之星,并在教學與研究上和全世界有著廣泛的聯系,它以指紋遺傳基因的發現和擁有較大的空間科學研究組而享有盛名。大學擁有寬廣的學術面,包括藝術、教育、法學、醫藥與生物科學、自然科學和社會科學,吸引了全世界100多個國家的學生來此深造。下面,英國優越教育專家為同學們推薦該校國際人權法法學碩士課程(International Human Rights Law LLM)。
??Academic Writing for Postgraduates in Law;
??Global Protection of Human Rights: Implementation Methods;
??Global Protection of Human Rights: Core Principles;
??The Politics of Human Rights;
??Human Rights, Ethics and War in the Post-Cold War Order;
??The European Convention on Human Rights: Institutions, Procedures and Fundamental Rights;
??The European Convention on Human Rights: Convention Rights;
??Feminist Perspectives on International Law;
??Freedom of Expression;
??Genocide and the Law;
??Human Rights and Health Care Law;
??International Law and Development;
??The State, the Law and Religious Freedoms;
??Theories of Rights。