??If the visa you’re applying for asks you to prove your English language ability and you’re taking a test:
??---on or before 5 April 2015, you should use ‘List of approved tests and providers: up to 5 April 2015’
??---on or after 6 April 2015, you should use ‘List of approved tests and providers: from 6 April 2015’
??List of approved tests and providers: from 6 April 2015中的原文:
??The following are the lists of approved secure English language tests and test centres that have been assessed as meeting the Home Offices requirements from 6th April 2015. Anyone taking a test on or after 6th April 2015 that they intend to use in a UK immigration application must take one of the tests listed in table 1 at one of the approved test centres in table 2 or table 3.
??這段話的意思是,這個列表羅列的是被認證的安全的英語語言考試及考點。而4月6日及之后考試的學生要申請UK immigration application的話要參考表格1選擇考試,參考表格2,3選擇考點。
??表格1(Approved Secure English Language Tests):
??Trinity College London提供的Integrated Skills in English 和 Graded Examinations in Spoken English
??IELTS SELT Consortium提供的IELTS Life Skills和IELTS
表格3(Approved SELT test centres in Rest of the World):??
??有人說這個文件僅僅是針對immigration移民簽證,學生簽證是不包括在內的。那么請注意,在官方網站上,Tier 4(General)student visa是隸屬在Visa and immigration下面的。
??然后,官方網站的Tier 4(General)student visa頁面的Knowledge of English頁面上直接就有提供 list of approved tests and providers的入口,點進去就是帖子最上面提供的官方公告和文件的鏈接!
??IELTS SELT Consortium 和 IELTS Life Skill
??IELTS SELT Consortium的中文名稱叫雅思安全英語語言考試聯盟,是英國簽證與移民局(UK Visas and Immigration)授權的管理IELTS考試和IELTS Life Skill考試的機構!以下是官方原文:
??IELTS tests for UK Visas and Immigration are managed by the IELTS SELT Consortia, which comprises British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
??雅思考試中心新推出的英語生存技能考試是IELTS Life Skill。以下是官方原文:
??The new test–IELTS Life Skills–will be introduced for people who need to prove their speaking and listening skills at level A1 or B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference.
??Test Centre
??官方文件中的13個test centre到底是包含目前所有單個考點的大考區(比如部分城市考區代碼使用的是同一個),還是13個城市中所有的考點,還是13個城市中的一部分單個考點,目前還沒有定論。
??優越教育中國區咨詢熱線:400 666 1553
??英國區倫敦總部咨詢熱線:+44 (0) 203 2061212
?? 微信平臺:優越留學倫敦,優越留學上海,優越留學南京