就在這兩周,pte online最先出手,封殺一大波考生成績(嚴重懷疑官方早已查到,只是蓄勢待發,等你萬事俱備了再給你當頭一棒,讓你與夢校失之交臂,體會一瞬間從天堂跌入地獄的滋味)
Dear Candidate,
Pearson English Assessment strives to report scores that accurately reflect the skill and performance of each test taker.As part of our security processes,we perform a range of security checks on each test which allows us to determine the validity of the test score.
At any time,if we have reason to doubt that a test taker was complying with the rules of the test,we may temporarily place a test score on hold while additional security checks are carried out.For this reason,your PTE Academic Online score has been temporarily placed on hold while we perform further checks on your test.
While your score is temporarily on hold,institutions or government agencies will not be able to verify your score.If your score has already been verified by an institution or government agency,that organisation will be advised that your test score is temporarily unavailable.
Once further checks have been completed,you will be informed of the outcome.Where we are confident in the validity of your test,your score will be released from the hold and will be made available to you again.Alternatively,if we have reason to doubt the validity of your test,we reserve the right to cancel your score.
We would like to thank you for your patience during this time of investigation.Please note,we are unable to provide you with further details about the checks we are carrying out and you will receive a notification as soon as an outcome has been determined.
Please do not reply to this email and note that customer support will be unable to provide further details in relation to your test.
Kind Regards,
PTE Test Security
誤傷受牽連的這部分同學,請你們等待院校的審查結果,只要你的成績是真實的,on hold只是暫時的,院校不會耽誤你入學報到。